Top water damage prevention tips for homeowners to follow

Did you know water damage claims are second only to hail and wind damage in terms of insurance? That’s how common water damage is in homes. Unfortunately, many homeowners do not take the necessary steps to prevent this damage.

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What Causes Water Damage?

Water damage typically has two types of causes: human-induced and natural. Both of these can be quite problematic for your home and wallet.

Human-induced causes:

  • Poorly maintained plumbing systems
  • Leaky faucets and showerheads
  • Broken or burst pipes
  • Incorrectly installed appliances

Often, homeowners also overlook common water problems, such as a malfunctioning appliance or a leak in the bathroom. Suppose your dishwasher has been leaking for weeks, and you haven’t noticed. It can cause water damage to your floors and walls without you even realizing it. If you do not fix it in time, the presence of moisture might lead to mold growth in the area. As mold spores spread throughout your home, they will ruin the air quality. You might notice migraines, wheezing, and coughing.

Natural causes:

  • Heavy rains
  • Floods
  • Storms

In many cases, you cannot prevent water damage if it’s due to natural causes. For instance, you can’t do much in the face of a flood or heavy rains. But you can still minimize the damage by taking quick action. As soon as it’s safe for you to return to your property after a storm or a flood, you should call a professional for restoration and repair. It’s smart to hire a company that can also provide cleanup services following repairs. Otherwise, you’ll have to get two service providers on board, which can increase the hassle and cost of the process.

Water damage prevention tips for homeowners

Now that you know the causes of water damage, let’s look at some ways to prevent it.

Disconnect the hose

When fall arrives, you should disconnect the hoses in your yard or garden from the faucet. If there’s any water standing in the hose, it can freeze due to low temperatures. After some time, the frozen water creates an ice block, causing the pipe to burst. That’s why it’s smart to disconnect the hose and store it in a dry place.

Clean the downspouts and gutters

Water damage or no water damage, you’re supposed to clean the gutters in your home twice a year. It prevents blockages in the gutters. Second, it prevents the formation of ice dams that are the precursors to water damage. If you can’t do it yourself, hire a professional to clean the gutters for you. Do the same with downspouts. If there’s a hindrance in the flow of water, it can create pressure on the pipes in your home. It may also cause the water to pool instead of going away from your home, leading to basement flooding.

Check for leaks regularly

If you live in an older home, you should check the plumbing system regularly. Check for leaks in faucets, showers, and other fixtures. Also, make sure there aren’t any hidden leaks in the pipes. Invest in a water meter and check it every month or so to see if you are wasting water. If you have any suspicions, contact a plumber right away and get the issue fixed before it worsens and causes damage.

Maintain the landscape

The trees around your home can be the culprits behind roof damage that further results in ceiling water damage. Similarly, roots from your plants can also wrap around the water pipes or drip irrigation systems in your garden. When this happens, the pipe may burst or become blocked. You should maintain the landscape of your home regularly and prune trees before they cause any problems.

Know where the water main in

Often, when any kind of water damage occurs, it becomes worse because the main water supply is still on. The first thing you do as soon as you notice water damage is to turn off the water main. However, you can’t do that if you don’t know where the pipe is located. That’s why it’s important to know the location of your water main so you can quickly turn it off in case of an emergency.

Hire a professional for water damage repair

Even after following every preventative measure in the book, you can still experience water damage. Some homeowners make the grave mistake of trying to fix the problems themselves. While you might be able to fix a leaking faucet yourself, dealing with massive water damage isn’t something a novice should do. Instead, you should hire a professional immediately before the water damage gets any worse.

Here are some things to look for in a water damage restoration expert:

  • Testimonials from past clients
  • 24/7 emergency services
  • State-of-the-art equipment
  • Insurance coverage

Our team fits the description. Call our team today to discuss your water damage problem with us.